
An invoice will be sent to you via email immediately following the shoot. You will be redirected to pay such invoice through the ‘Square’ website associated with my business.

For any prints or other products with your photos will be paid through the ‘Pic-time’ website associated with my business which you will be given access to once the photos are ready for viewing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What primary services do you offer?

My main services have mostly been 1-on-1 photoshoots, but I am available for many types of shoots.

What do you specialize in?

I specialize in landscape/nature photography, but am always open to many types of photography!

What are your packages?

At this time, I have two main packages: The Sprinkle of sunshine ( a 1 hour session) or The Golden Hours ( a 2 hour session) both having a different amount of photos available after the shoot. All information about these packages are located under the ‘Products’ tab. I am also available for request of any outside services not included in the two packages, further information about this is also located under the ‘Products’ tab .

Do you have any traveling fees?

Simple answer is no. As of right now I have put any traveling fees in consideration when establishing my pricing. 

How will I be getting my photos?

All photos will be accessed via link under the ‘Memories’ tab. you will need an access code which will be provided to you to access the photos for your privacy. Once the link is clicked you will be redirected to the ‘Pic-time’ website that has your gallery. You will be able to digitally download any photo from the shoot as that is a part of my services. Any prints or other products will be an additional charge and all prices on located on said website.

How long will it take for me to receive my photos?

Depending on demand, most photos can take approximately 7 to 10 days to edit. Once your shoot is done, I will give a date within that time period of when they should be available.